1st November 2016

Eshan's story featured in new RNIB film

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Eshan's story featured in new RNIB film Cover Photo

Meet Hardeep and his nine-year-old son Eshan in RNIB's new film introducing its specialist schools and residences for children and young people with vision impairment, complex needs and additional disabilities.

Hardeep reveals his experience of how RNIB's education, care and therapies have helped his son who attended RNIB Sunshine House in North London and is now living and learning at RNIB Pears Centre in Coventry.

Ginny Tyler, Head of Children's Health and Care Services at RNIB, also features in the film talking about the individually-tailored support we offer.

To watch the video and to find out more about our schools, college and children's residences visit www.rnib.org.uk/schoolsandcollege