QAC Sight Village, the UK’s leading exhibitions for blind and partially sighted people, welcomes Deafblind UK as sponsors of their 2023 events.
Sight Village is organised by Queen Alexandra College (QAC), a national residential College and community charity that supports a diverse range of student abilities and needs based in Birmingham. The College provides education, training and routes to independent living and employment.
The events take place across the country throughout the year and are the UK’s leading exhibitions for blind and partially sighted people and for those experiencing sight problems. They are hugely popular events giving people with sight loss and professionals working in the sector the chance to find out about the latest technology, products and services such as daily living equipment, mobility aids, education and training opportunities and leisure services.
This year, Sight Village events will include a small number of exhibitors who provide services for people who are deafblind, deaf and hard of hearing.
Deafblind UK is a charity that supports people with both sight and hearing loss. CEO Nikki Morris said: “We are really excited about sponsoring the 2023 events; we know this will provide a huge opportunity for people with both visual and hearing impairment. Having information and equipment for sight loss and hearing loss all under one roof makes these events truly unique and a welcome addition to these already fantastic exhibitions.”
Bev Jessop, Principal and Chief Executive, said: “All of us at QAC are really excited that Deafblind UK are joining with us to be a sponsor of our Sight Village events. We share the same values, particularly in ensuring accessibility products and services help towards achieving individual social and independence goals for the VI and deaf-blind community. We look forward to welcoming deaf blind service users, professional services and providers to these premier national events.”
Sight Village exhibitions are free to attend and will take place in Wales, 18th April, Birmingham, 17th & 18th July, Exeter, 26th September and London 7th November 2023. For more information, or to pre-register your attendance, go to www.qacsightvillage.org.uk or call 0121 803 5484, email: sv@qac.ac.uk.
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