The entire WEMMS family are delighted to announce that after a long search they have a new home from September 2022.
Joy Wemms commented: "We are absolutely delighted to be planning our move to what we expect to be our 'forever home' ready for the new academic year in September 2022. We have been searching for well over a year, since we were told that we needed to vacate our current Leatherhead site. This will give us fantastic facilities and space both inside and outside to enable us to provide the very best education and support services to our needy but deserving students. This new home will enable us to greatly expend the range of education and support services we can offer in a spacious and relaxing environment, both indoor and outside, and include a swimming pool and recreational facilities including extensive formal and informal outside areas. We believe this will be the leading facility offering education to high potential SEnD students in Surrey, SW London and the surrounding areas.
"We are especially grateful to those who are supporting us in this move and we know that it will be a mutually beneficial long term relationship. We expect to take formal possession shortly, which will enable us to carry out the works required to bring it up to our standards and requirements ready for September. We will shortly begin recruiting additional specialist teaching and support staff and will be able to offer places to suitable students, many of whom have simply not been placed for the last year or so."
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